Thursday 3 May 2012

Homework due 7th May

1. Read this article - Pirate Bay blocked by UK High Court Order

2. Match up each of the 7 following points with the corresponding Case Study picture image

3. Match up the Terminology words that are significant to each of the 7 points

4. Write a 25 word response explaining the argument behind each point and how it fits the Case Study examples (see pictures) using the Terminology you matched up

(Hint: As music is becoming less tangiable is it becoming more visual and interactive?)

2. Purity - synthetic vs authentic
(Hint: Is music fooder/spare parts - Remix, repackage, sample, autotune?)

3. Soundscape
(Hint: Some record labels have responded by creating interest in their back catalogue of music to be remixed/repackaged etc.)

4. Expectation of Free Music
(Hint: Attitude that music is 'free' which de-values music, does this effects investment in new talent?)

5. Co-option between artist & building relationship and community with Fans

6. Prosumers & audiences that collaberate online make the Industry more Democratic
Fan groups that make parodies, own music videos, mash ups, heirarchies of what is liked

7. Audiences = Pirates - or - a Community of Creative and Collaberative Fans
They break copyright laws which protects artists rights to earn money from their music - or - part of the process/in relationship supporting the artist.




Distribution & Marketing



Vertical Integration

Web 2.0



